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Following the Livestream on Youtube

By @ijyoyo | January 18 2021 | Envision

Welcome to a Photography Livestream. Today we went through Spark AR features, Books, Camera gear , audio equipment and travel!

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Zach Instagram: @_onthamoon
Isaias Instagram: @ijyoyo
Isaias Print Store: Isaias Print Store
Isaias Twitter : @ijyoyo

Ijyoyo Spark AR Filter Here

Photography Gear Mentioned:

DJI Microphone

We touch briefly on a couple video gear upgrades. These include the DJI Rode Mic vs the Rode Mic Go. It would be interesting to look into these to different kinds of audio microphone over a shotgun microphone.

DJI Rode Mic View Here
Rode Mic Go View Here

Book Mentioned

Strategy, A History

Strategy A History By Lawerence Freedman

A book with essays from war strategies, politics and businessmen. One of my favorite books right now after reading it. Critical and interesting.

Youtubers Mentioned

Photography Youtuber, owns a marketing firm. Check Chris Hau out. Chris Hau YouTube

The Futur. Mentioned by Zack to help promote sales and a good overall channel for life. The Futur YouTube

Amtrak Tickets:

The Amtrak Railway pass allows the passenger to create destination stops around the Continental United States for 30 days. This is a really amazing deal to see the United States. I am not sponsored by Amtrak to say this.

I have previously taken this trip in the summer of 2019 with various video on my youtube channel and in this playlist. Train Playlist

During this time I travel from Seattle of New York and many places in between.

View the Amtrak deal here: Amtrak Rail Pass


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