
Photographers you need to follow in 2022 Midwest Edition.

Are you looking for photographers in the Midwest? I have been fortunate enough to meet some amazing photographers on my travels as a photographer. Weather you are looking to book them or gain some inspiration you should check them out!

1. Michell Ta

Michella Ta is an amazing portrait photographer based in Milwaukee and Madison Wisconsin. She has created a modeling agency called Divison talent. She is a Computer Science Major and is a very motivated and creative photographer Her Website Modeling Website

2. Dawson Rauls

Dawson is a photographer in Minneapolis and Madison Wisconsin. Recently he has shot with Miss America, Wisconsin Football players and more! His portraits speak themselves go check him out! Website Instagram

3.Hope Glassel

Hope is a very creative photographer! I met her during my first year attending College. She works hard to style her shoots!

4. Luke Witter

Luke twitter is a portrait photographer based in Madison, Wisconsin. His work is simple and beautiful. He post consistent work and stunning photos from the midwest. Website Instagram

5.Brock Ophem

Brock is a photographer, videographer and editor in Milwaukee Wiscosnin. His work is stunning and he is great photographer in Milwaukee Wisconsin Website Instagram